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Tracking With Postbacks

Getting Postback Tracking Parameter

Lets assume that you have some affiliate or any third party url where you want to pass tracking parameter, for example:{subid}

In this case you have to pass any MyDataNinja tracking parameter in subid to receive it back when some conversion or event occurs.

As mentioned Above you can track with these parameters:

  • user_id - Unique visitor id njuser
  • event_id - Event id generated from snippet

So, all you have to do is to make user click the url with above parameters:

In our example tracking code will be the following:

<a href="{subid}" onclick="trackurl(event)"
>Order Product
function trackurl(event) {
const eventID = nj.getLastEventId();
const href ='href');
const trackedUrl = href.replace('{subid}', eventID);;;

The above script will replce {subid} placeholder with MyDataNinja event_id and then redirects to it.


The above Javascript snippet is may not work for your requirements